













    我穿的都是濟貧施捨箱裹的衣服。你不會知道我多麼害怕穿普人家施捨的衣服到學校去。我擔心鄰座的女孩原本是衣服的主人,她會暗中恥笑我,悄悄把這件事告訴別的女孩。一想到你穿的衣服可能是你討厭的 人扔掉的,更是讓人心如刀割。即使今後天天穿長統絲襪,也無法彌補我心頭的創傷。











     一位身材高高的富人。他不喜歡女孩子,卻又為一個魯莽無禮的女孩慷慨解囊,他該是什麼模樣的呢?    盼覆。




November 15th

Dear Daddy-Long-Legs,

     Listen to what I’ve learned today:

     The area of the convex surface of the frustum of a regular pyramid is half the product of the sum of the perimeters of its bases by the altitude of either of its trapezoids.

     It doesn’t sound true, but it isI can prove it!

     You’ve never heard about my clothes, have you, Daddy?  Six dresses, all new and beautiful and bought for me not handed down for, somebody bigger.  Perhaps you don’t realize what a climax that marks in the career of an orphan?  You gave them to me, and I am very, very, very much obliged.  It’s a fine thing to be educatedbut nothing compared to the dizzying experience of owning six new dresses.  Miss Pritchard, who is on the visiting committee, picked them outnot Mrs. Lippett, thank goodness.  I have an evening dress, pink mull over silk )I’m perfectly beautiful in that), and a blue church dress, and a dinner dress of red veiling with Oriental trimming (makes me look like a Gypsy) and another of rose-cloored challis, and a gray street suit, and an everyday dress for classes.  That wouldn’t be an awfully big wardrobe for Julia Rutledge Pendleton, perhaps, but for Jerusha Abbottoh, my!

     I suppose you’re thinking now what a frivolous, shallow, little beast she is, and what a waste of money to educate a girl?

     But, Daddy, if you’d been dressed in checked ginghams all your life, you’d appreciate how I feel.  And when I started to the high school, I entered upon another period even worse than the checked ginghams.

     The poor box.

     You can’t know how I dreaded appearing in school in those miserable poor-box dresses.  I was perfectly sure too be put down in class next to the girl who first owned my dress, and she would whisper and giggle and point it out to the others.  The bitterness of wearing your enemies’ cast-off clothes eats into your soul.  If I wore silk stockings for the rest of my life, I don’t believe I could obliterate the scar.




News from the Scene of Action



     At the fourth watch on Thursday the 13th of November, Hannibal routed the advance guard of the Romans and led the Carthaginian forces over the mountains into the plains of Casilinum[卡西利濃,是義大利境內的一古代地名。].  A cohort of light armed Numidians[努米底亞人。] engaged the infantry of Quintus Fabius Maximus[(?-西元前203)昆塔斯˙費比烏斯˙馬克西馬,羅馬獨裁者。].  Two battles and light skirmishing.  Romans repulsed with heavy losses.

     I have the honor of being,

     Your special correspondent from the front.


J. Abbott


P.S. I know I’m not to expect any letters in return, and I’ve been warned not to bother you with questions, but tell me, Daddy, Just this onceare you awfully old or just a little old?  And are you perfectly bald or just a little bald? It is very difficult thinking about you in the abstract like a theorem in geometry.

     Given a tall rich man who hates girls, but is very generous to one quite impertinent girl, what does he look like?

     R.S.V.P.[為法語Repondez, s’ll vous plaft的縮略,意為請回信。]